Thursday, April 10, 2008

Live Heavy Petting on Stage

It's funny, exactly 385 days ago, I got popped at Langerado, a renowned Jam band music festival.

It's been a pretty hard year since I yelled "heads up 5-0," and got beat up by cops and charged with some felonies. I spent the night in jail, visited P.O.'s, gone to court a few times and some other institutions, but tomorrow, in less than 12 hours that all ends. The hardest part though, was avoiding my favorite music scene, that was the jam band scene.

And now on the eve of my emancipation from the criminal "justice" system, I've found a great local Jam band: The Heavy Pets. I've heard of them before and you can put your top dollar on it, that when they play April 25 @ 9 p.m. at City Limits, I'll be there.

They have that epic, confusing sound, that has always made jam music the best. The song "So Thank You Music," is exactly what i remember, when if you were listening you might think everyone was just playing alone, but when you tune in, turn off and drop out, you can tell it's masterfully orchestrated.

It reminds me of the classic jam band crowd: where a view from the outside might look like nothing more than a bunch of crazed dirty hippies dancing, from the inside it's plainly obvious -- they're all moving to the same sound.